Thursday, September 15, 2011

you're in my body

pretty clothes!
sitting in the DC as usual, I need my parking decal still so I probably have a ticket on my car. 
Exhausted, bored, listening to Say Anything all morning.
wish I didn't have to babysit tonight :( I just wanna sleep and then I have my second day of training tomorrow. Kindof nervous!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm so sick! It's driving me nuts and I feel like I'm dying.
My boyfriend's sick too so I went to my grandma's house (cause I don't have gas at my apartment)
and made crepes for him and his family :)
They're my favorite thing ever so I thought, why not!?
I spent a fortune on ice cream and fruit and ate crepes for every meal.
I think his family liked them more than he did but as long as it was appreciated by someone I really don't mind.
It's late and my bunny is currently annoying me by being stuck under my box spring and running around inside my bed. Not cool.
I feel guilty for keeping him in his cage all day so I let him run around while i sleep, but I can always hear when he's chewing on stuff he shouldn't be so i wake up constantly.
Oh well, I'll just have to get used to it or take him out with me more.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

hehe :)


This is Max, my bff and cuddly bunny<3 


Not the most flattering pictures of me, but whatever! 
My family and I went to PEI a few weeks ago.
It was a looooooong drive, but at least we got to see Arcade Fire and U2
on our way up! 
Arcade Fire is the BEST band live eeevvverrrr, except it was pouring
rain all day and I was pretty miserable and cold.
Wish I had some pictures of the concert, but I didn't bring a camera or my phone in


Just a few things I love right now:
Garlic Bread
and my favorite favorite faaaaavorite blogger, Sincerely Jules. 
She tweeted me once :) @iamkeekz
(photos from tumblr)

Graduation Party

This happened forever ago, but my cousin graduated high school! 
She had a Mexican themed party and I stupidly forgot to upload all of the pictures of the food and now I can't find the CD :( 
Friends and family are a good time, and wine only makes it better! 

Hello, sunshine :)

So, yes this is my blog that I'm starting today and hopefully I'll keep up with it. I just wanted to make if for when something fun and exciting happens in my life, or if I have multiple things I want to share that would be too annoying on anyone's Facebook newsfeed. Basically, this blog will be about my daily thoughts (I promise not long stories) and things I find awesome, or places I have been recently. Eventually, if you even stay with my blog, I will have pictures of my upcoming trips (and by upcoming I mean in November, January, May, and July) where I will be going to New York, Costa Rica, Paris, England, Amsterdam, and Australia if everything goes as planned *fingers crossed*. So yeah, this is just gonna be am online scrap book and hopefully I stick with it and keep posts coming. Oh! Also, I love clothes and cool pictures, so I will probably have a lot of those on here too. Adios!