Sunday, February 19, 2012

Costa Rica Day 2-4

We switched hotels to Tirimbina. More of a rainy, humid area. It's on the Atlantic side and it has a long, scary bridge that goes across rivers. I felt like i was in Indian Jones the whole time, but more of a baby about the heights instead of a badass with a whip. 
Before we got to the hotel, we went to a fruit stand on the side of the road and tried a bunch of fruits. Some I already knew, like watermelons and mangos and bananas. Then there were really weird ones like Guanabana and something called a Water Apple. I thought I liked all fruits before trying these...
I stuck to mangos and munched on those, but (fun fact) they're part of the poison ivy family and my mouth swelled up. Great haha. 
We did a lot of hiking where we looked at trees, plants, and especially frogs. Tons of frogs. 
We had to go on at least one night hike and lucky me picked the night it down poured. We were in the jungle for about 2 hours. I wore the only pants I had. HUGE mistake. 

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